Thursday, April 8, 2010

twitter isn't enough for this vent

Dear Virginia,

So…let me get this straight. You have made April “Confederate History Month”? To me, that means that you feel the need to celebrate the fact that you did not want to give up slavery, among other things. This is a “celebration” that requires an entire month of confederate nonsense. Really? REALLY? What am I missing here? You want to celebrate the "pride" you had and miss?

My dear governor, slavery wasn’t significant enough for you to even mention in your proclamation? It wasn’t significant??? Those Africans and (some of) their descendants cleaned your ancestor's homes, picked their cotton, cooked their food, raised their kids (including breast feeding), built their homes and in some cases even built their towns, etc. so that your ancestor's could just sit their lazy asses around and do nothing but beat them, rape them, separate their families and figure out how to secede from the United States. But….the slaves are not significant enough to mention?

Wow, God bless America.

(yes, yes, i left a lot out on both sides...but this is a vent and not an essay so back off.)

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